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Battery, EV

<2024.2H> Global EV Market and Battery Demand & Supply Outlook(~2035) DB

Provided in Excel file


Chasm has become a term symbolizing the recent stagnation in the growth of the electric vehicle (EV) market. There are various speculations regarding the causes of this chasm. Some suggest that those who showed interest in the early stages of the EV market have already made their purchases. Others point to the cold snap in North America last winter, which caused a significant drop in EV range, as a possible factor. Concerns over EV fires, which seem to resurface from time to time, are also fueling anxiety about the market.



So, how will the market ultimately grow? This report has been updated to reflect the changes in the market caused by the chasm. It forecasts that, in the short term, traditional automakers will likely focus more on PHEVs/HEVs than BEVs. The transition to BEVs is expected to be slower compared to previous projections. In fact, a major automaker recently announced plans to launch an EREV instead of a BEV. In our classification, we categorize EREVs as PHEVs.


Additionally, due to the price competitiveness of secondary batteries, one of the major issues facing electric vehicles, we anticipate that LFP (lithium iron phosphate) batteries will expand into markets outside of China. As a result, we have separately projected the market share of LFP and non-LFP secondary batteries in our detailed market outlook.



We hope this report, which reflects key developments in the electric vehicle market, will be helpful to industry professionals​.