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Battery, EV

<2024> FCEV Technology Development Status and Market Outlook (~2035)



In the first quarter of 2024, the total monthly sales registered in each country were approximately 2,382 units, a 36.4% decrease from the same period last year, recording degrowth. However, in the future, as voices for carbon neutrality grow louder, interest in FCEVs, which are eco-friendly vehicles, is growing again.


Currently, since commercial vehicles in China account for a large proportion of FCEV sales, the possibility of replacing hydrogen vehicles as commercial vehicles is emerging, and many OEMs are announcing new commercial products around 2025. The successor model of Hyundai Motor Company's Nexo, which dominated the existing hydrogen vehicle market, is also expected to be released in 2025, and 2025 can be seen as a new turning point in the growth of the hydrogen vehicle market. In line with the overall development of the hydrogen industry, it is expected that FCEVs will continue to receive attention not only for the growth of FCEVs but also as a means of carbon neutrality.


This report focuses on the FCEV market, and forecasts the technology development status and global FCEV sales through 2035. In addition, it adds distribution targets by country and the FCEV-related parts supply chain to help understand the FCEV market.




[Features of this report] 


1.     Basic introduction of FCEV


2.     Summary of global FCEV distribution goals


3.     FCEV sales outlook (~2035)


4.     Analysis of FCEV (including system) sales trends (~2023)


5.     Check the status of global FCEV-related technology development







Part 1. Introduction of FCEV


  1.1 Fuel Cell


    1.1.1 Summary of the Fuel Cell


    1.1.2 Types of Fuel Cells


  1.2 FCEV


    1.2.1 Basic Principles of FCEV


    1.2.2 Components of FCEV


    1.2.3 Competitiveness and Challenges of FCEV


    1.2.4 Comparison of FCEV and TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)


1.3 Infrastructure of Hydrogen


Part 2. FCEV Market Outlook and Distribution Policy


  2.1 FCEV Market Size and Outlook


    2.1.1 Sales Volume Outlook


    2.1.2 Sales Amount Outlook


    2.1.3 Sales Proportion Outlook by Vehicle Type


    2.1.4 Sales Trends by Country


    2.1.5 Global Top 10 Maker Sales Volume and M/S


    2.1.6 Global Top 10 Model Sales Volume and M/S


    2.1.7 M/S by FC System Supplier


  2.2 Global FCEV Distribution Policy


    2.2.1 FCEV Distribution Target by Country


    2.2.2 Domestic


    2.2.3 China


    2.2.4 Japan


    2.2.5 United States


    2.2.6 Europe


2.3 Hydrogen Gas Price Outlook per Kg


Part 3. FCEV Supply Chain


  3.1 Status and Features of Global FCEV Mounting Systems


    3.1.1 System Specification


    3.1.2 Stack Specification


    3.1.3 Stacking Method


    3.1.4 Stack Components


  3.2 Status of Global FCEV Supply Chain by Components


    3.2.1 Stack


    3.2.2 Hydrogen Supply Device


    3.2.3 Air Supply Device


    3.2.4 Thermal Management System


    3.2.5 Hyundai Motor Company NEXO


    3.2.6 Toyota Mirai


Part 4. Hydrogen Fuel Cell Patent Trends


4.1 Technology Patent Trends

